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Formative Evaluation Report



This project was completed during the Spring 2022 Semester as a requirement of the IDE 641-Techniques in Educational Evaluation required for the Syracuse Universities Master of Science in Instructional Design, Development, & Evaluation (IDD&E) Program. This collaborative project included my team evaluating the New Student Orientation Course as part of the Syracuse IDD&E program. In this Formative Evaluation (FE), the requirement included our conducting at least one expert interview and two or three user evaluations to complete our analysis and report our findings.





Justin Hood, Student, Syracuse University, M.S. IDD&E



Joe Denny, Student, Syracuse University, M.S. IDD&E

Jason Hellstrom, Student, Syracuse University, M.S. IDD&E

Derrek Yazzie, Student, Syracuse University, M.S. IDD&E





This project explored the evaluation phase of the ADDIE process and all essential aspects included in the IDD&E program.​




This project was challenging but the most rewarding and eye-opening project I completed thus far in the IDD&E program. For context, the rest of the program taught me a whole lot. However, this project proved the art and science included in the IDD&E field. There is no “one size fits all” in evaluation or instructional design, and for a practitioner to be effective, they must understand this and think big. Our team invoked a lot of thought and had to re-write the script to complete this project. In doing so, we had to approach the professor with valid reasoning and creative thinking, explaining why we needed to deviate from prescribed methods – while making a compelling argument with which the professor ultimately agreed.




This project developed and refined all attributes required of an IDD&E professional. We had to work with the client, professionals in the IDD&E field, experts, and peers while demonstrating intellect, communication, understanding, and skill when dealing with clients and professionals.

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