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IDE 737 – Advanced Instructional Design

Course Summary

 This course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience designing, developing, and critiquing instruction that effectively facilitates learning throughout all the different components of an instructional intervention, e.g., context setting, content delivery, content exploration, assessment. The two major products that students create during this course include: (1) an instructional unit (2) digital log/journal of work. Students will: 


1. CHOOSE a currently existing or CREATE a new instructional unit. The length of the instruction should be 1 to 2 hours. You will document and enhance or create the entire unit. It maybe self-study, classroom- or lab-based, online, or blended and occur over one or more session (e.g., 2 one-hour sessions). 


2. DESCRIBE performance problem, audience, content, instructional goals, learning objectives and then CREATE a detailed storyboard of how this unit of instruction works, and create all instructional components (presentations, content, activities, assessments, debriefs) including facilitator and student materials. 


3. INTERACT with ‘others’ in your professional network about design / content of your instructional unit. (‘Others’ include colleagues, peers, target audience/learners, etc.). Document your interactions (journal). 


4. FINALIZE your storyboard and BUILD supporting material.


5. POST final unit storyboard, unit materials, and journal online in a format that effectively showcases unit.


6. CRITIQUE instructional unit using provided checklists and rubrics (post documents online with unit).


7. DOCUMENT the design, development, and decision-making processes in your journal (post journal online). 

Status: In-progress

Date: June 30th, 2022

Grade: ?

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